Happy 18 month birthday to Dalia. Our little girl has blossomed in the past month. She now has lots to say, asking mama or daddy for a cheese stick or hot dog by name. She loves to run around before her bath with her brother, rough housing and giggling. Dalia is 31 1/2 inches tall (45%) and 18 pounds, 12 ounces (7%). Dalia’s favortie toy is a yellow carton of multi colored eggs. She is starting to show her feminine side,  carrying around a toy purse, putting on bracelets, blowing kisses and dancing to music. And she is a spitfire, that’s for sure. Dalia will look us in the eye, say “don’t throw” and then toss her dinner to the dog. While we are working on that, there isn’t anything we would change about our sweet Dalia Anne. She is all laughter and energy, all the time.





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