Jack visited the trains on Thanksgiving weekend.


We took Jack for his first visit to the zoo on an unseasonably warm November day. Seven lion cubs were out playing, and Jack absolutely loved watching them run around.


These photos are a month overdue, but I will be catching up over the next few weeks. We had visitors from Florida last month, and Jack loved meeting his great aunt and uncle for the first time.


On a rare 70 degree November day Jack and I visited Brookside Gardens and took a few portraits. Jack attempted to escape several times. Once this kid can walk, lookout!



In order to get one photo of Jack seated in his chair, we went through a lot of frames that weren’t quite right.



It’s election day, and Jack would appreciate it if you went out to the polls and cast your vote for his dad. Go Daddy!


Jack  climbs the entire set of stairs from bottom to top in record time, knows what “no” means, and has started to stand for a few seconds at a time without assistance. He has his two bottom teeth, claps his hands to music and likes to take his favorite book off the shelf and read it on his own. Jack also likes to feed us some of his dinner and is delighted when we enjoy it. Taking his monthly photo is getting increasingly difficult, as he has mastered climbing down out of the chair and would much rather play with his toys than sit still.

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