Happy Father’s Day to the most phenomenal father I know (well, my own is pretty incredible too.) Every day I am amazed, but not really surprised, at how great you are with Jack. He lights you up and watching the two of you together makes me feel like the most blessed person in the world. I couldn’t be happier and I thank you for that. I love you Ryan.


Last week Jack enjoyed a visit to the diner with some out of town buddies.

He learned to share with two of his favorite boys.

And went to a concert with his friend Reed.


Jack tried out his float for the first time last weekend.


Jack visited Dr. Dan for his six month checkup last week. He weighed in at 16 pounds and measured 27 1/2 inches tall, which puts him in the 80th percentile for height and 40th for weight. Jack is so tall that we had to raise his jumperoo to the highest level this morning!


Jack loves the toddler tunes music channel a little too much. This prompted us to set up ipod speakers in the family room. Sorry buddy!


The day before Jack’s half birthday, he made a move toward independence.


Happy Half Birthday Jack!


Thanks Reed for such a fun playdate!


Jack is loving his new high chair, thanks Uncle Ira! He loves sweet potatoes and peas. Eating is messy business!


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