Jeremiah and Jack bond, while Ollie protects his little brother. Way to let a four-pound dog get the better of you, Jeremiah!



Jack has been diving head first into eating solids. He didn’t enjoy pears, but over the past couple of days he has been getting the hang of eating oatmeal.


I’m sorry for the lack of posts. Now that I am back to photographing clients, the shoemaker’s child has been going without his shoes. We are both over our colds, and there will definitely be more photos and posts soon. In the meantime, Jack’s Bubbie is already planning for 2023.


The “I don’t want to nap” yammering turned into “I’m having fun playing” yammering. Thank goodness for the video monitor. I love his “caught in the act” face.



Translation “Mommy, why did you give me your cold?” Sorry buddy, you’re still super cute!



After devouring his oatmeal breakfast, Jack finally let me capture his latest moves on video. He started rolling over, from back to front, on Monday, his 22 week birthday. He has been hanging out on his side for over a month, but finally figured out how to maneuver the rest of the way two days ago.



Jack is five months old today. He sleeps through the night, laughs a lot during the day, loves his new friends at daycare and talks non stop.

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