Happy fifteen month birthday to the J-man. In Jack’s second year I will be taking his portrait in his chair every three months. Since Jack now loves to climb into his chair and sit with a toy or read a book, this morning’s shoot was a pleasure. Jack was happy to sit and smile. We have also retired the white onesie in favor of an outfit more fitting for our little toddler, who is definitely no longer a baby.

Jack says “more nana,” “mama ball,” and “what’s that?” He loves to go down the slide at the playground on his own, can throw a ball across the room and now has four teeth. While Jack sits at his play table nicely, he has yet to figure out that the crayons go on the paper instead of in his mouth. Our little guy has officially been enrolled in preschool for the fall. They grow up so fast!


I can’t believe my baby is one! Jack can now walk across a room, his vocabulary includes “oh wow!”, “ball” and “hi,” and he loves to cuddle with his giraffe lovie. Jack knows which toys belong to Ollie and holds them out for the dog. His all time favorite toy is a yellow wooden ball, although the birthday present from his Uncle Ira is quickly taking the ball’s place.

We are so proud of our little man. Jack is adventurous, confident, always smiling and cute as a button. We could not be any more in love with this sweetheart, and I can’t imagine my life without his infectious laughter. Happy birthday Jack!

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Jack  climbs the entire set of stairs from bottom to top in record time, knows what “no” means, and has started to stand for a few seconds at a time without assistance. He has his two bottom teeth, claps his hands to music and likes to take his favorite book off the shelf and read it on his own. Jack also likes to feed us some of his dinner and is delighted when we enjoy it. Taking his monthly photo is getting increasingly difficult, as he has mastered climbing down out of the chair and would much rather play with his toys than sit still.


Jack is cruising around the house, from the ottoman, to the couch, and up onto every toy. He is literally climbing the walls. Jack likes to share, says “yeah” and has been very patient with his parents’ busy schedules.

The poor kid had strep, a drug reaction and a bee sting in one week, and took it like a champ. He always has a smile on his face and the sweeteset giggle when he sees Ollie run around. He loves any musical toy, bops along to all songs, and particularly loves the Beach Boys.


Jack is on the move, crawling around the family room and pulling up on the ottoman. He eats salmon, brisket and macaroni and cheese. “Dagh” means dog, “ba” means ball and we hear “Dada” regularly. During his portrait session this morning Jack was all over the chair. He tried to launch himself off it, crawl over the side and when Ryan tried to pick him up he held on and took the whole chair with him!



Jack is on the verge of crawling, can stand up holding on to the couch, weighs 18 pounds and eats like a champ.


Jack shares his seven month birthday with his dad today. Happy seven months Jack!


Happy Half Birthday Jack!


Jack is five months old today. He sleeps through the night, laughs a lot during the day, loves his new friends at daycare and talks non stop.


Jack is four months old today. He weighed in at 14 pounds, 4 ounces and is 26 1/2 inches tall. He is in the 45th percentile for weight and 85% for height!

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