Jack is just starting to show signs of teething, and other than his hands, seems to think his toys taste delicious!


Ollie and Jack enjoying playtime today. (The video is kind of long.)


When we wake up in the middle of the night, it’s not to the sounds of a baby crying. Jack is fast asleep in his crib. Oh no, it’s to the sound of the dog talking in his sleep. Thanks to Ryan, we now have video proof…



Three babies!!!


Ryan serenades Jack with an ode to our lunch…




Jack celebrated his two month birthday by sleeping over seven hours a night each night this week. We’re taking bets on how much he weighs, and will find out on Thursday at his next doctors appointment. I think he weighs 13 pounds, the grandmothers think 14 pounds and Ryan thinks under 13 pounds. I should add that at his 5 week appointment he weighed 10 pounds 9 ounces, and that was four weeks ago.


Jack started rolling over this week.

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