Translation “Mommy, why did you give me your cold?” Sorry buddy, you’re still super cute!


After devouring his oatmeal breakfast, Jack finally let me capture his latest moves on video. He started rolling over, from back to front, on Monday, his 22 week birthday. He has been hanging out on his side for over a month, but finally figured out how to maneuver the rest of the way two days ago.



Day two in the Jumperoo, and Jack already has it figured out. Thanks to Kasi, Haven and Brennen for giving up their beloved Jumperoo.



Jack loves to read, but lets us know when he is ready to move on.


Jack wiggles, and squiggles and talks to his mobile before settling down for his nap.


Weekends are sacred around here now that Ryan has gone back to work, and Jack savors his daddy time.


Jack had his first taste of food yesterday, and thoroughly enjoyed his delicious piece of bamba. He loved it so much that he grabbed my hands and couldn’t push the bamba into his mouth fast enough.


A few videos from our visit to the National Arboretum.

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