Two weeks after crawling for the first time, Jack figured out how to stand up. One week later he mastered sitting down. This video is from Sept. 19. Excuse the length… no time to edit.


Jack’s new favorite toy is the step from the living room into the kitchen. Toys hold his attention for a few minutes, then it’s off across the room to the step. It’s only a matter of time before he climbs up and has full reign of the house.


While Jack isn’t getting on a bus and heading to school today with the other neighborhood kids, he did crawl for the first time this morning.


There is not enough time in Jack’s busy schedule, so eating and playing have to coincide. He is trying to get it all in before the hurricane hits.


Jack is on the verge of crawling. We have hours of footage just like this one, waiting for the big moment.


Let me just say that we do dress our child. He just happens to have a lot of milestones immediately after eating. Since he is the messiest eater I have met, he has earned the privilege of eating without his shirt.



This past weekend Jack tried chicken for the first time, went for a dip in the backyard, found his sea legs, tried to crawl and stole mom’s snack. All in all a successful weekend.

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