Jack loves the toddler tunes music channel a little too much. This prompted us to set up ipod speakers in the family room. Sorry buddy!


The day before Jack’s half birthday, he made a move toward independence.


Jack is loving his new high chair, thanks Uncle Ira! He loves sweet potatoes and peas. Eating is messy business!




Jack had an eventful weekend. His mom and dad travelled to Ohio to attend a wedding, and Jack’s Bubbie and Zayde did an excellent job taking care of him. Thanks Bubbie and Zayde!!! Jack started grabbing his feet and reaching straight ahead for his toys. He has a new found fondness for all things that crinkle. Jack also took his first dip in a pool on Memorial Day.





Last weekend, Jack had a full calendar. He spent Saturday at the Gaithersburg Book Festival. On Sunday, he attended Shaare Torah’s annual cookout, where he hung out with old friends, and made several new ones. That afternoon, he visited Butler’s Orchard, and took a nice nap while I picked strawberries.




I’m sorry for the lack of posts. Now that I am back to photographing clients, the shoemaker’s child has been going without his shoes. We are both over our colds, and there will definitely be more photos and posts soon. In the meantime, Jack’s Bubbie is already planning for 2023.

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